
Sunday, November 04, 2012

A Sunday Message

Happy Sunday All! Did everyone remember to turn their clocks back?! I sure did love that extra hour of sleep, how about you guys?

Okay, the order of the day ... Swoon.

I have some to share with y'all if you want it? Tomorrow's Drumsticks Epilogue is almost done and it's making me feel all sniffly and sad, but really happy and smiley, too, because our kids, our Creeper and his Drummer Girl, are going to be SO happy together. It's all I wanted for them, you know? I've had these two adorable, sweet, funny and fierce people in my head, in my heart, for a really long time and tomorrow I'm letting them go. It's hard, but at the same time, it's not. It's time, though, and while I'll miss them, probably more than I've missed any other Edward and Bella I've written, they're also the ones I'm most proud of. It's so strange, and those of you who write might agree with me or maybe you won't, but it's like this - you dream up these characters who first were someone else's then you change them, make them your own, and it's like they're totally real and you find yourself talking to them, rooting for them when they struggle, crying for them when they hurt, laughing with and at them, loving them like were your very own. These are my babies in every sense of the word. I gave birth to them, watched them grow and evolve, and now it's time for them to go off on their own while I move on to something else. That might seem totally weird to some of you, but I think most of you get what I'm trying to say.

I have enjoyed every moment of writing both of these stories ... even if at times I cried from frustration and wanted to pull my hair out of curl up in a ball and never want to write another word again. But in the end, we got ... well to the end of this journey together and for that I couldn't be happier or love you all any more for being with me the entire way.

I hope you've laughed along the way. I hope you've cried. I hope you've been moved and touched and maybe stop and go, huh, maybe I should ... I hope I've made you smile if you were having a bad day or made you sigh because Edward is just too much sometimes and we all want one of our own. I hope I made you fall in love with another Edward and Bella and that you'll think about them from time to time.

I'll post a teaser in a little bit and then some pictures that I never had time to share with you. I think you'll like them, I hope so anyway.

I love you all ... thank you for allowing me to share a little bit of me with you!


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