After Chapter 21 - What Is Going On With Edward

Tuesday, March 27, 2001
Chapter 21 Bonus Scene~

While Seth was busy with Edward and Isabella was being comforted by her Nonna, Jasper and Emmett were having a heated discussion in Jasper's office. Oh, they weren't aggravated with each other, but rather both were extremely pissed at Edward...and rightfully so.

Gideon was paying close attention to the two men because Seth was otherwise occupied. He had to chuckle to himself, he did NOT envy his young friend, not in the least.

"Jasper, man, what the fucking hell is up with Edward?" Emmett asked as he paced back and forth in Jasper's office. "I mean, he went from happy go lucky Edward back to Sullen Cullen almost overnight. I mean...shit, did you see how upset Bella was?"

Jasper grunted in annoyance when he thought about just how upset she'd been and it was all he could do not to stomp down to Edward's office and kick the ever-living shit out of him. He wasn't standing by this time, he vowed to himself. No fucking way. He'd watched, most of the time without comment, as Edward continually sabotaged himself where Bella was concerned, but there was no way in hell he was doing it again. Something was up with his friend, and he was damn sure going to find out what it was.

"I have no clue, Em, but whatever it is, it's something big," Jasper finally said.

"Shit," Emmett growled and threw himself in the seat across from Jasper.

Jasper nodded and stared off into space as he went over the past few days in his head. Edward had continually regressed as the week went by, growing more and more distant and more like the Edward of old with each passing day. When he found himself remembering the first meeting of the week on Monday, he groaned out loud.

"He's pissed about what we talked about on Monday," Jasper said emphatically. When Emmett looked at him with a confused look on his face, Jasper reminded him, "We all talked about how glad we were that Isabella could take over for him if anything ever happened to him."

"Ah, fuck," Emmett said and nodded his head. He knew Jasper was right, and though they'd all had a feeling Edward wouldn't really want to talk about it, Emmett had to admit, he was surprised by just how upset Edward was. "I just don't get it, Jas," Em told him. "I mean no one wants to think about dying, but it has to be done; we've all agreed it does and Edward is smart enough to realize we're right."

Jasper sighed but only because he thought he knew what might be causing Edward to want to hide from what he needed to do. "Em, I don't think that is really what's wrong."


"No. I mean think about it. Something happened a few weeks ago to Edward and he makes this total about-face personality and attitude wise. You know he's had to have a lot of regrets over his past actions toward us all, but no one more so than Bella. He's been so damn happy lately, imagine knowing you could have always had that, but were too stubborn, or scared, or whatever it is that's held him back, to experience it. Then all of a sudden, you have all of us telling him, well, we need you think about what happens if you die. I don't know about you, Emmett, but I'm not sure I would be able to handle it either if I was in Edward's shoes," Jasper said.

"Well, you never would have shut us all out," Emmett snapped back and then felt bad, though he knew he was right.

When he saw Jasper raise his eyebrow at him in that annoying way he had of making you feel like shit for saying something bad about Edward, he held his hands up. "I know, I know, Jasper, there is obviously a lot Edward hasn't shared with us, but man, admit it. The last month and half with Edward has been amazing and I'll be pissed...really pissed, if he goes back to the way he used to be. Bella isn't the only one that couldn't handle it, you know. He's my damn brother and I feel like I've just now gotten to know him." Emmett swiped at his eyes and took a few deep breaths to keep himself from saying or doing something he would regret.

"I know, Em, I know. Let's just hope it isn't too late to reach him. I don't want to lose him either," Jasper answered him back quietly.

Gideon shook his head as he watched from above and then checked in on Seth and Edward...there was a lot at stake at the moment, he only hoped Seth could get Edward to do what he needed to do.

The time had come.


"Seth?" Gideon questioned while his young friend stared at the stairs Edward had just run up.

Startled, Seth turned toward him. It was rare...very rare, when Gideon came down...from up above, though at the moment, Seth was exceedingly grateful for his presence.

Noting the shocked expression on Seth's face, Gideon chuckled softly and the sound was reminiscent of the rapids of a river as they flowed over the rocks. Smiling he said, "Seth, don't look so shocked to see know I do mingle with the humans on occasion." His smile faded when he continued, "Besides, I figured you needed me."

Seth had turned back around and stared up at the ceiling, as if he could see through it. He could do many things, but seeing through walls and floors wasn't one of them, though with his supernatural hearing, he heard Edward beg Isabella to let him tell her what she'd needed to know for so long.

With a sigh full of regret, he turned toward his mentor and asked, "Do you think I could have done anything different these past few days?"

Poor Seth, Gideon thought with a sad shake of his head. He loved both Edward and Isabella so much and seeing them in the pain they were in right at this moment was agonizing for him. "My friend, you and I both knew this was bound to happen sooner or later. Edward facing the realities of his mortality was going to be difficult and there was every possibility that the walls Isabella has fought so hard to break through would go back up again. Surely you can't be too surprised that they did?"

Agitated, Seth floated around the room while he thought over the week thus far. He never should have allowed Edward to pull away like he did after Emmett and the others made their comments during Monday's meeting. He had no idea what more he could have done mind you, but the angel felt like the reason his two humans were upstairs, heartbroken, was very much his fault. It was a totally wrong way of thinking of course, but Seth was rather prone to self-recriminations...especially where Edward and Isabella were concerned.

For the past four days, Seth had hovered and cajoled. He'd teased and threatened, he even tried ignoring his stubborn friend...all to no avail...which led to the events of today. His heart was positively shattered as he recalled with his perfect angelic memory, the anguish that was rolling off Isabella when Edward had sent him to her aid earlier. He couldn't stop the sudden smile and burst of pride he felt though. Edward was so concerned about her, so hurt at seeing her suffer that he thought nothing of his own pain...helping her was all he cared about.

If that didn't say everything about his honest and true feelings for Isabella, nothing did.

Edward had been a mess all week, literally. He had been moody, irritable, and on edge. He walked on egg shells around Isabella because he knew she was getting frustrated at his continual refusal to tell her what was wrong. Of course, if he would have done that, there was a likely possibility that they wouldn't be where they were right now, so Seth wasn't one hundred percent convinced that it had turned out all that bad.

He hated that there would be pain and tears, for both of them, but he truly hoped they were well on their way to healing. Even as perceptive and highly sensitive to their kind as Isabella was, there was little Seth had been able to do before to help her. He was able to offer her a bit of comfort, but honestly Edward was the only one that could help her the way she needed.

The questions she'd asked Edward earlier were...hard...but necessary. Edward had taken her for granted, hadn't been fair, and at times hurt her deeply so she'd had every right to be as angry and hurt as she was. Both Seth and Gideon knew she was close to her limit. She'd kept things inside for such a long time that the fear of losing the Edward she'd just found, after so steadfastly believing he was always there, was more than she could take.

She lashed out, she purged...and now hopefully, she would be granted the healing that only Edward could offer her.

Everything rested in Edward's hands now and the only thing both angels could do was hope and pray he was ready...that they all were for what was to come.

After Chapter 20 - Seth and Gideon After the Opera

Tuesday, March 27, 2001
TGG Chapter 20 Bonus Scene~

"She is something else," Gideon said with a rumbling chuckle as he turned and looked at one very proud and very pleased Seth.

Seth sighed as he always did when Isabella was the topic and his ice blue eyes twinkled with mirth. "You can sure say that again. If I didn't dislike Vincent so much, I'd almost feel sorry for him," he said in a menacing voice.

It had taken a great...great deal of angelic powers on the part of Gideon to keep Seth from showing Mr. Sinclair just how much he was disliked by his favorite and, at times, unruly pupil. Though, Gideon had to admit, and only to himself of course, watching Seth and young Edward spar like old friends filled his heart with a great amount of joy. The two were so alike in so many ways, but were so different at the same time. As proud as Seth was of both his humans, Gideon was equally proud of Seth for his careful and diligent guidance of young Edward. It was no easy task, Gideon was well aware of that, and thus far Seth had handled him with near perfection.

Even when he antagonized the poor man it was done with just the right amount of love mixed with orneriness. Even Gideon enjoyed watching Edward get worked up, only because he made it so easy to do.

It wasn't often that humans were able to surprise angels, goodness knew what would happen if it did, but Gideon was amazed at the turn of events that had happened during the entire night. It had been one eye-opening thing after another and as he looked down below at Edward and Isabella as they left their family and friends, he knew things had definitely come to a point where Seth needed to stay extremely focused.

Time was of the essence and though he was as pleased as anyone about the closeness Isabella and Edward now shared, there was still much to be done.

"Seth, we need to talk," Gideon said somewhat resignedly. He really didn't like to interfere too much where his pupils were concerned but there were some things that had caused him concern, things that he needed to remind Seth of.

Seth tore his gaze away from his humans, though he knew his presence would not be needed...nor wanted...for quite some time. "What is it?" he asked with a frown on his face.

"Come." Gideon motioned and the two floated along for a time while he decided on the best way to approach things. "My friend," he began once a few more moments passed, "you have done a remarkable job with young Edward."

"Thank you," Seth answered, though he hesitated because he knew his mentor was going to follow that statement with a...

"But," Gideon went on. He smiled at his young friend when he noticed the apprehensive look on his face. "Seth, come now, you know I would never be angry at you, though, I do have to say you have a tendency to enjoy riling up Edward much more than you probably should."

Seth grinned and shrugged his large shoulders, totally unapologetic. "He just makes it too easy sometimes."

Gideon nodded for he was well aware of that fact. "Yes, I know. He kind of reminds me of someone else," he said with a wink before letting the smile fall from his face. "Seth, I know how much you love both Edward and Isabella and I know how long you've waited for the time when our and your presence would become necessary. It's been a truly remarkable thing to watch the two of them rediscover their love and their...passion for each other, but I feel as if you have perhaps lost sight of what it is that still needs to be done."

The reproach was gentle, though Gideon's voice boomed like thunder. Seth's head snapped up and he looked at his mentor with wide eyes. "No...I mean...I've tried," he stammered and it was so unlike the calm, cocky angel they all knew and loved Gideon couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Seth, calm down. I'm not angry with you, but I do feel like you need to concentrate on the difficult things Edward still must do and face. He's exceeded all of our expectations," Gideon went on and then stopped when he could see Seth wanted to say something.

"He has in some ways," Seth began as soon as Gideon stopped talking. "But, I've always known there was an infinite amount of grace and love inside of him." The tone of voice he used left no room for doubt, not that Gideon had any to begin with.

"Yes, Seth, I know," Gideon answered with a patient sigh. "However, you know as well as I that some of the events of this evening, while all fine and good right at the moment, are very likely to become points of contention once Edward is faced with the stark realities he must face. Are you ready for that?"

Seth took a moment to answer because he was more than a bit angry at himself for letting the love affair that Edward and Isabella were currently in the middle of take his attention away from his sole purpose.

The two otherworldly beings looked down below and watched as Emmett, Rose, and the others discussed everything they had witnessed throughout the course of the evening. Edward and Isabella's behavior toward each other; Edward's obvious happiness, along with the way he interacted with their group as well as with the other men and women he associated with. He was charming, polite when he'd needed to be, and above all else, so obviously content...and happy; it just radiated from him.

Of course the interaction on the sidewalk between Edward and Vincent and then with Isabella and Vincent was the main topic of conversation and when Gideon heard Alec mention the very thing that concerned him, he turned and looked at Seth and he could tell by the worry lines that creased his heavenly forehead, he realized what was to come as well.

"Ah, damn, he's really not going to want to have that discussion," Seth groaned, not even realizing he'd let the colorful word slip from his lips.

Gideon of course, let the moment pass, besides it wasn't the first time he'd ever heard such a word come from his young charge...nor would it be the last. Especially where Edward was concerned, he thought with a rueful shake of his head. "No, he most definitely will not, but it must be done nonetheless. Among others," Gideon reminded.
Seth floated away for a few moments while he pondered the events of the evening. His heart swelled with so much pride for Edward and what he'd done during the night in regards to Anna that he wasn't sure it wouldn't explode. Never in all his many years had he been as moved as he'd been when Edward demanded that Seth and the others watch over and help Anna as she began her own journey of redemption and rediscovery. At the same time, his heart positively shattered when he thought about what the coming days would mean for Edward. He knew his hardest test was approaching and for the first time ever, he was unsure of what the outcome would be.

To be perfectly honest, for the first time since he'd become an angel and most especially since the first time he'd asked to be Edward's guide, he questioned what his purpose was and why Edward couldn't be spared. The love he and Isabella shared was so rare and it truly affected everyone around them. The change in Edward touched everyone he came in contact with and when his time was up, it would devastate so many people. Isabella...he thought with a shudder...would very likely never recover.

She would go on, but she would never be the same and that realization tore at his heart so much that his shoulders began to shake as silent tears poured from his eyes.

Gideon had been waiting for this moment and though he was privy to things Seth was not, he totally understood where his charge's anguish came from. No one would ever be able to say that Seth was less than totally, one hundred percent invested in Edward's and Isabella's happiness.

"Seth," Gideon said after a time in the gentlest voice he could muster. When Seth looked at him, he floated until he was just in front of him and then lifted his hands and laid them on the young angel's shoulders. "You still have a very important job to do, one that is going to be the hardest thing you've ever had to do. You know how much rests in your hands and you know what must be done. You can't wait any longer. The time has come to push Edward, even though it will be painful, you must...must do it."

His tone was urgent and Gideon so wished he could share with Seth everything, but it wasn't the least not yet.

Seth heard the almost desperate undercurrent and it immediately set him on edge, though he knew from experience that Gideon always had a reason for everything he said or did, and often, kept those reasons to himself until it was time to share them. It obviously wasn't time for him to share now, so Seth said nothing, though he did file it away in his mind to question later.

"I'll do what must be done," Seth said simply and then turned and floated away. He needed some time to steel his resolve for the upcoming days.

Gideon watched his most special friend float away and let out a long, heavy breath and said a silent prayer asking for the guidance he was sure he would need.

So much depended on Seth...on himself...and most importantly, Edward.

After Chapter 19 - Vincent and Anna After The Opera

Tuesday, March 27, 2001
Chapter 19 Bonus Scene~

Vincent stood ramrod straight and had so much anger and frustration coursing through his veins he was like a volcano waiting to erupt as he watched Edward and Isabella and the rest of their clan turn away from him like he was nothing.

Who the fuck did they think they were, he thought as his mind raced with thoughts on how to get back at them for even thinking about calling him out like that in front of his colleagues.

He took a step forward and had every intention of going after Edward but was stopped when he felt Brody grip his arm, hard.

"No you don't, Vince. This has gone on long enough, it's time for you to cut your losses and move the fuck on," Brody told him angrily.

He was so tired of all the bullshit between Vincent and Edward, and though he'd be a fool to say it out loud, he knew that most of it was because of Vincent. He wasn't a huge fan of Edward Cullen, but the man knew his shit. He ran Cullen Publishing with an eye always on the bigger picture and never once lost sight of the fact that his job as CEO was to run the company, not to see how many times he could screw over his competition.

Vincent turned and stared coldly at his right-hand man. "What the hell does that mean?" he demanded as he yanked his arm out of Brody's grasp.

"It means, Vince, that this dick measuring thing you've got going on with Cullen needs to come to a fucking stop. You are ruining the company with your incessant need to try get the best of him and not only that," Brody said hotly, "you're ruining mine and everyone else's reputations along with it. If you are hell bent on continuing this ridiculous game with Edward, count me the fuck out. I'm tired of it Vincent," Brody said and took a deep breath. He knew he was quite possibly slitting his own throat, but he couldn't hold back any longer.

"If you want to go down that's one thing, but don't expect me to go down with you. And Cullen," he said as he narrowed his eyes at him,"won't stop until he ends you if you keep antagonizing him the way you did tonight. Go after him, man to man if you have to, but even for you, going after his wife was fucking low...and not only that, it was suicide. I'm not married, but if I was, there is no way in hell I'd ever let anyone talk to my wife the way you did Isabella Cullen. I'm afraid you've just woken up the sleeping giant, my friend. Good luck with that, you're going to need it."

"So what, you're going to let Cullen get the best of you, too?" Vincent asked as he looked from Brody to Josh, Cameron, and Trent. "The three of you pussies, too?" he questioned incredulously when they all looked at him with the same look of disgust. "What the fuck ever," he said bitterly and waved them off. "Anna, let's get the hell out of here."

Anna had held her tongue, but only by biting down on it to the point she could taste blood. If she didn't have a choice but to leave with him, she wouldn't, but she had a few things of her own to take care of with Vincent. She stepped forward, without saying a word and without looking behind her either...somehow she had a feeling she wouldn't be seeing any of them anytime soon...if ever.

Vincent of course had kept the car and driver waiting for them, always needing to keep people at his beck and call and they both climbed into the backseat without saying a word. The air was tense between them and she felt her stomach twist in knots knowing what she was going to do and say once they'd returned to their apartment. She'd known it had been a long time coming and had made up her mind to finally put herself first after speaking with Edward, but watching Isabella had solidified her decision even more.

Anna was quite awe of Isabella. She was fierce, loyal, and obviously not easily intimidated. Anna had never admired another woman the way she did Isabella, but even she had to admit how amazing she was as she handed Vince's ass...and his balls to him. Watching Isabella stand up for Edward, for their company and family and friends was an incredible thing to witness and gave Anna the push she needed to do what she should have done a long damn time ago.

Edward had given her a second chance by forgiving her; there was no way in hell she was letting it go to waste.

They arrived back at their apartment and Vince didn't even try talking to her...nor apologize for the way he'd talked to her, not that she really expected it anyway. As soon as he opened the front door, she strode without looking behind her to their bedroom and pulled a suitcase from the closet and threw it on the bed. She heard Vince walk to the wet bar in the living room and pull what she assumed was a bottle of Vodka from the small freezer but paid little attention to the muttering she heard him spew.

A few minutes later when she'd walked out of the bathroom carrying her toiletries, she looked up and saw him walk into the room. His bow tie hung limply from around his neck, he'd taken his jacket off, and frankly...he looked like shit.

"What the hell?" he asked stupidly when he spied the suitcase on the bed.

"I'm leaving, Vince," she said simply.

He looked from the bed to her and then repeated the motion several times before blurting out, "But I thought we were gonna fuck?"

Anna snorted at him and then rolled her eyes. She threw the bottles she'd taken from the bathroom on the bed and then turned to look at him. "You're out of your fucking mind if you think I'm letting you lay your hands on me again."

He smirked at her and then shook his head. "Babe, are you still pissed about what happened earlier? You know I didn't mean anything; that was just because Edward-" he started again but she cut him off abruptly.

"Shut the hell up, Vince. This has nothing to do with Edward and everything to do with you," she told him levelly.

"Me? What the fuck did I do? If Cullen wasn't such a cocksucker," he began to rant again and she'd had enough.

"You know for as long as we've known each other you have blamed every bad thing that has ever happened to you on Edward and that's just fucking pathetic. Try looking in a mirror sometime, Vincent. You have no one to blame but yourself for the mess you've made of things and it's about damn time for you to realize that," she told him as she began throwing more clothes into the suitcase.

Vincent sneered at her, trying to figure out how to get her into bed instead of thinking about what she'd said to him. He knew she was pissed, but he didn't believe for one second she'd leave him.

"Yeah? What the hell do you know about anything that has been going on anyway? All you do is shop, go to the spa, and gossip with your girlfriends about who has had work done to their tits or asses and what you want to get done next. I haven't seen you complain about anything up until now, Anna," he said nastily.

Anna wanted to disagree with him, but she knew she couldn't. She had done all of those things...but no more.

"You're right. I have done that, but I'm done, Vince. I'm not letting you walk all over me anymore because I'm too afraid to be by myself. I deserve better than that," she said and then realized instantly how good it felt to say that...and really mean it.

Watching Isabella and Edward all night as they stood side by side really drove home how much she was missing from her life. Then to watch them both face Vincent, together, was really the icing on the cake. Edward wasn't one to be underestimated, but neither was Isabella. They were a true team, one that respected the other, and she wanted that for herself.

She deserved it.

Up until she and Edward spoke Anna never believed that, but she did now, thanks to him...and to Isabella.

Isabella could have been a jealous bitch, and Anna knew she would have deserved it, but she hadn't. She'd been nothing but gracious, if a little cold at first, but only because Anna had tried to intimidate her because that was what she did. Instead, Isabella treated her fairly and with respect, even though she probably didn't deserve it.

"Where the hell are you going to go?" Vincent questioned, still not believing for one second she was leaving.

"I don't know, but anywhere is better than here with you," she said succinctly as she closed the suitcase.

There wasn't anything left she couldn't live without or buy again and she turned to Vincent to say the last thing she needed to tell him before she left to start a new chapter of her life.

"I'm sure you won't be alone for long, just give Biannca a call, I'm sure she's not busy," she said slyly and then smirked when he quickly swallowed and his eyes darted nervously around the room.

He opened his mouth to deny what she said but Anna held up her hand. "Save it, I don't care anyway. I'm done with you so what you do from now on doesn't matter to me. But," she said as she picked up her purse and suitcase off the bed and then walked to the doorway. She turned and finished her thought, "never forget who I am, Vincent, or who my family is. Stay away from Edward and Isabella. My family is very powerful and if there is anything left after Edward gets through with you if you keep going after him, I'll finish the job."

With that, she turned and walked out, not looking back.

Edward and Isabella gave her a second chance to find out who she was...she was damn sure going to take advantage of that.

After Chapter 18 - Isabella's Reaction to Edward and Anna Talking

Tuesday, March 27, 2001
TGG Bonus Scene #12~ Chapter 18

Isabella exited the bathroom and immediately looked for Edward. Not finding him where she thought he'd be, she made her way to their group of friends and family figuring he'd be there. As she approached, she could hear a few murmurs and noticed Alice and Alec looking off to the right and exchange a worried glance.

When she looked in that direction and found Edward and Anna sitting together and facing one another for what looked like a very private conversation, she turned back toward her friends and smiled...after rolling her eyes.

"Your eyes are going to stay that way, Alice, if you don't stop staring...not to mention you look like a fish with your mouth hanging open," she said as she stepped into the circle where everyone was standing.

"Ali, sugar, I told you that." Jasper laughed at his wife and reached up and pressed on her chin to close her mouth. "You're way too beautiful to stand around looking like a fish," he teased and kissed her on her now closed mouth.

"But...Bella...didn't you?" she started to question then snapped her mouth shut.

It really wasn't any of her business but she was shocked at how calm...and confident her friend appeared. She knew if she saw Jasper sitting and having what appeared to be a very intimate conversation with an ex...and an ex he'd lived with for two years no less, there was no way in hell she'd behave the same as her friend.

"Yes, I see them. What do you want me to do, march over there with my hands on my hips and demand to know what's going on? I don't think so, Alice. I trust Edward, completely, and if he has something he needs to talk with Anna about, then I'm sure he'll tell me what it is...later," Isabella answered her friend.

Alice spluttered in response to her and everyone in the group laughed at her. "Sugar, let's go get another drink," Jasper said sweetly and gave Bella a wink before turning his overly excitable wife toward the bar.

Rose shook her head at her friend. She adored Alice, but sometimes she was like an annoying puppy, always into everything. Once it seemed like there would be no major drama, not that she expected any from Bella anyway, the guys all picked their conversation back up again. She noticed Bella smile at Edward...and Anna and sighed. The world would be a much better place if more people acted like her sister-in-law, no question about it.

"So, you really don't mind Edward and Miss Skankalicious having a conversation without you?" Rose asked her.

Isabella chuckled and rolled her eyes at her blunt as ever sister-in-law. "No, Rose, I don't. Like I said, I trust Edward, so there isn't anything for me to worry about. I mean he's sitting less than a hundred feet from me in a roomful of people so I highly doubt it's anything more than healing some old wounds."

In fact, she was positive she was right, especially when she glanced back at Edward and Anna and noticed both of them looked infinitely more relieved than they had at the beginning of the night.

"I take it, judging from the fact you haven't scratched her eyes out, Edward told you about her?" Rose questioned a bit hesitantly.

Isabella nodded her head and said, "Yes, thankfully for my husband, we talked about her last night."

"You didn't know about her before?" Rose immediately asked and couldn't help the snarl that accompanied her question.

Edward really could be such a fool sometimes.

Isabella sighed and shook her head. "No, I didn't. In all defense of Edward, I've never pushed for many answers either about his past or what happened before me. That's as much my fault as it is his," she admitted.

Rose gasped and then quickly tried to cover it up hoping Isabella didn't hear, but it didn't work.

"I know, Rose. I have no doubt that knowing what she did to him and how their...relationship for lack of a better word...ended would certainly have helped me understand him better," she said quietly.

"He's always been so different with you, Bella, than he has with anyone else. I don't just mean other women either, though there haven't ever been many of those. Since I've known him, besides Anna and Sophie, there wasn't anyone but you," Rose told her. "You have to know, and judging from your reaction to seeing the two of them together, I'm sure you do, how badly he was hurt after he found Anna and Vincent together. I know that they were together only to keep William off his back and it doesn't take a genius to figure out what Anna was after, but even someone like Edward, or like he used to be, has to be hurt and angry at being treated the way he was."

Rose sighed again. There were times she felt incredibly guilty because she was extremely grateful that William had set his sights on Edward as the chosen one to run Cullen Publishing. She would have detested it if Emmett had been put under the same pressure and scrutiny as Edward had been.

"I'm sorry, Bella," Rose said quietly.

"Whatever for, Rose? It's not your fault he didn't tell me and I never asked any of you about his past, not that I ever would anyway. Whatever he wants me to know, he'll tell me. He's sharing more all the time and it's only a matter of time before he tells me everything," Isabella answered and laid her hand on Rose's arm.

"That's really great to hear, but that's not really what I'm sorry about. I just realized how grateful I am that William chose Edward over Emmett and that makes me sound like a selfish bitch...though we both know that's not that big of a stretch," she said with a grin. "Seriously though, William did a real number on Edward, everyone could see that. As much as I hate to admit this, we all just sort of sat back and let it happen. Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, me, Jasper...each of us just let William do his thing. Me because I didn't want it to be Emmett; Emmett for the same reason, and Carlisle and Esme...who the hell knows. Poor Jasper was the only one that even tried to do anything about all the pressure William was putting on Edward, but even he could only do so much."

Isabella closed her eyes to try to keep the thoughts of her poor broken husband at bay. She knew she and Edward were closer than ever and she knew it was only a matter of time before he shared everything with her...or at least it better be. The time was quickly approaching, she realized, that it would become necessary to press him for answers. He owed it to her...and to the rest of the family as well. As disappointed and yes, even angry, as she was at all of them for not doing more to help Edward, it was way past time to lay the past to rest.

"So much unnecessary hurt and anger," Isabella said with a sad shake of her head.

She felt her skin tingle and knew Edward was near and sighed when she felt his lips on her neck. When she turned around and looked at him and could see no trace of anger or pain, she smiled at him. As long as he was okay, nothing else mattered.

Rose watched the two of them and felt Emmett wrap his arm around her shoulders. "We're so lucky to have her, you know? She's going to put this family back together."

"I sure hope so, babe," Emmett answered quietly.

Rose smiled knowingly at him and said, "I have no doubt; it's about damn time, too."

After Chapter 16 - Introducing Vincent

Tuesday, March 27, 2001
"Vincent." The raven-haired beauty pouted from the bed when he stood up to get dressed.

"Sorry, babe," he said with a shrug of his shoulders. "I'm supposed to meet Anna for dinner shortly and I need to go by the office first. Next time I'll see if I can stay longer," he told her and didn't try to hide the fact that he wasn't sorry at all.

He'd been sleeping with Bianca for some time now. As a matter-of-fact, they'd started seeing each other on the side almost as soon as he and Anna picked up where they had left off. Bianca was a hellcat in bed but she certainly wasn't country club and charity fundraiser date appropriate. He figured as long as he had them both, he had the best of both worlds. Not to mention, Anna was always ready and willing whenever he was, so he felt like one lucky motherfucker.

He kissed Bianca quickly on the lips, pinched a naked nipple and then walked out of the apartment he had her set up in. His car was waiting out front, and he climbed in the back and headed back to his office in downtown Chicago. He passed the Cullen Publishing offices and cursed Edward under his breath. Man, he really, really despised Edward, so fucking much.

"Brody," Vincent barked when he hit a button on his phone, "Get Josh, Cameron, and Trent and meet me in thirty minutes. I'm almost to the office."

He threw his phone down on the seat beside him and leaned his head back. He hoped the others had good news for him. They'd better or else there would be hell to pay.

He closed his eyes and thought about Edward. Christ he hated that smooth motherfucker. It hadn't always been that way though, at least not at first. When they'd first crossed paths at Prep School, Vincent had hoped they'd be friends. He didn't have many and Edward was the new kid so he figured it would be kind of easy to get to know each other. Vincent was sort of an outcast, not coming from one of the families of Chicago, you know, old money. He knew his father had a reputation for being a shady businessman, bilking unsuspecting authors and agents out of their hard-earned money. Vincent didn't much care about any of that, though. He got whatever he wanted whether it was the newest electronic gadget, the nicest clothes, or when the time came, the best, most expensive car. As long as the money flowed, it made no difference to Vincent where it came from.

When Edward first got to school, everyone tried to be his friend, but no one succeeded. He kept to himself, at least for the most part. As they'd all gotten older, he opened up more, but he was never one to hang out, go to parties or the night clubs the kids in their circle always managed to sneak into. No matter how aloof he was, everyone was still in awe of him. He made straight A's, the girls all thought he was mysterious and sexy and the guys, as much as Vincent hated to admit it, were all pretty much intimidated by him, and Vincent was no exception. He didn't understand why he acted the way he did and didn't really try very hard either. The more Edward succeeded, first in prep school and then in college, the more Vincent hated him.

From his vantage point, it seemed like everything came so easy to Edward and Vincent envied that with a burning intensity. No matter how hard Vincent worked, he was never quite on par with Edward and that was one bitter fucking pill to swallow...and had been for almost twenty years now.

Well, Vincent thought with a menacing chuckle, he hoped his luck was about to change.

He arrived at his office and noticed with satisfaction that everyone was already waiting for him.
"Okay, tell me where we stand with McMasters and Sons," he began without preamble when he sat down at the head of the table.

"According to my sources," Brody began, "they are still holding firm to sell to Cullen Publishing."

Vincent sat back in his chair and rested his chin on his index fingers. "Fuck, Brody. Deaton-Hall was easy; what's the damn hold up with this one? I want McMasters," Vincent stated emphatically.

"Man, I know you do, but old man McMasters is all over Edward's junk or some shit. I can't get them to budge. I've tried everything, offering money under the table, threatening, hell I even offered to send the old man and his wife on an around the world cruise...he's not budging, Vince. I don't know what else to tell you," Brody huffed.

"Well, we're just going to have to try harder," Vincent said in a cold voice.

He had no business going after them, and he knew it. Brody and the others knew it, too, but it didn't matter. The stockholders would have his ass if they caught wind of it, but he didn't care about that either. All he cared about was beating Edward and he didn't care what he had to do in order to do it. He was a huge amount, but it didn't matter. If he could come out on top and ahead of Cullen Publishing and Edward, it would all be worth it.

Or so he tried to tell himself.

He was playing a very dangerous game. If he lost, the repercussions would be monumental, but even knowing that and what he stood to lose, the prospect of besting Edward was too enticing a challenge to back down now. He just couldn't let it go.

"What about the project Emmett and Isabella are working on? Do we have any more information on that yet?" he asked the group.

Trent fidgeted in his seat; he really didn't want to inform Vincent that so far, they'd found out very little, at least nothing they could build on and use for their own. "I'm afraid not, Vince. Edward is being extraordinarily tight-lipped about whatever it is. From what we've been able to gather, only Edward, Isabella, Emmett, Jasper, Marcus, and Alec know the particulars of what is going on. There have been some preliminary meetings with the heads of the departments, but we don't have enough to go on to figure out what they're up to yet. Sorry, Vince," he said in a somewhat mousy voice.

"Son of a bitch!" Vincent roared. "We need to know what Cullen is up to and we need to know yesterday. I have too much riding on all this right now. One wrong move and all of us are going to find ourselves in a heap of hurt," he warned. If he went down, he'd damn sure make it so he didn't go down alone.

Vincent took a few deep breaths and pulled himself together. "The opera is this weekend and Cullen is going to be there. I'll just have to try to get little Isabella alone and see if I can't persuade her to open up. I can be very persuasive when I need to be," he chortled devilishly.

There was no doubt about the fact that he'd certainly enjoy it at the very least. Isabella Cullen was certainly a prize worth taking a few risks for. His dick got hard just thinking about the scrumptious Mrs. Cullen and his hate burned a bit more as he thought about how fucking lucky Edward was...again.

"We need to find out what's going on," Vincent warned again and then stood up, indicating the meeting was over.

As everyone filed out of his office, Vincent sat in his chair, staring unseeing out his window as he plotted and planned, trying to find some way to beat Edward. Surely the man had a weakness, right?

Far above the two otherworldly beings looked anxiously at each other. They weren't allowed to interfere with the free will of humans, though there wasn't a time either of them wished that wasn't so. Especially right now. Vincent Sinclair was the worst kind of foe; the kind that would stop at nothing to get what he wanted, even if that meant hurting people in the process. In this case, Edward and Isabella would be the ones harmed and neither angel wanted to see that happen.

"Gideon," Seth said in a distressed voice.

"I know, my friend," Gideon answered in a subdued voice that rumbled loudly with barely contained anger.

So much bitterness and rage within Vincent, Gideon thought with a sad shake of his head. If there was ever any doubt about the kind of man Edward was, all one had to do was look at Vincent and see the kind of person Edward could have easily allowed himself to turn into, but didn't. It would have been so simple to let the hurt and bitterness of his childhood fester and stew and make him uncaring and apathetic like Vincent. Instead, he protected himself, and even though he hurt people in the process by not allowing them to love and help him as he needed, he'd never become so cold and heartless as to turn his back completely on who he was destined to become like Vincent had. Vincent had unfortunately been lost long ago. As evidenced by Edward's metamorphosis, Edward was not; he'd only lost his way.

"Seth, I know it's hard to sit back and not interfere, but you know we cannot. Edward and Isabella will be fine; you must believe that. Together, they are so strong, so formidable, that even one as odious as Vincent Sinclair cannot come between them. Have faith in the two of them my friend. I have a feeling you might be surprised just how strong they are," Gideon said reassuringly.

"If he hurts either of them," Seth growled loudly and it sounded like boulders smashing against one another.

"Yes, Seth, we all know how you feel about your two humans." The older angel chuckled. "It's going to be an interesting weekend. I hope you are prepared."

Seth's ice blue eyes twinkled. He was apprehensive about Vincent and his ill intentions toward his Edward and Isabella, but he did have faith in both of them. "As prepared as I can be," he answered. "Those two have been surprising me more and more of late; it makes me nervous."

"Ah, my friend. Our jobs wouldn't be half as much fun if everything went according to plan now would it?" Gideon flippantly said and again Seth had the feeling his mentor was saying much more than he understood.

However, he answered anyway. "No, I suppose it wouldn't," he said and then went to prepare to return to his two favorite humans.

"If he only knew." Gideon chuckled with his own twinkle in his eye.

After Chapter 15 - Jasper and Alice

Tuesday, March 27, 2001
TGG Bonus Scene #10~

"Well, that was surprising," Gideon remarked to Seth as they watched from above while Edward and Jasper talked.

Seth beamed a brilliant smile and shrugged his shoulders at Gideon's remark. "I suppose, yes, but Edward seems to be doing that a lot lately," he said with a shake of his head.

"He really has come a long way already," Gideon told his friend. "You have done amazingly well with him, Seth. I'm very proud of you."

Seth nodded once in acknowledgment of the praise but didn't say anything else for a bit. He watched Edward and Jasper finish their talk and he couldn't help but laugh at Jasper's teasing of Edward and his bracelet. Not that he didn't think they weren't a sweet sentiment, because he did, but really, it was a very un-Edward like thing to do.

"Are you worried how Edward's talk with Isabella about Anna will go?" Gideon questioned once Jasper left Edward's office.

Seth floated around in a circle for a few moments before he answered. Was he worried? In all honesty, he wasn't, not really. Isabella understood Edward in a way no one else did or really ever could so he was fairly confident that once Edward told her everything, she would understand. That didn't mean she wouldn't get upset, a thought which caused Seth's heart to hurt, but he was afraid it couldn't be avoided. Edward should have had this talk with her long ago, and even though he understood his charge's reticence to do so, it didn't make it right.

"Not particularly," Seth finally answered. "In this case, Edward and Anna were both wrong, and I'm quite sure the lovely Isabella will understand that."

"You are right, Seth, and I am sure it will probably answer some questions she's had for some time. I'm a bit worried about her...more so than young Edward at this point," Gideon said slowly and watched as Seth squeezed his eyes shut and curled his fingers into a tight fist.

Seth let out a mighty sigh. The sound was loud and sounded like a raging thunderstorm. Gideon knew how much it would upset Seth to hear his concerns, but his young prodigy needed to hear them. "Why?" Seth questioned, his ice blue eyes full of pain and sadness.

Gideon sat, well, he floated but he let his being relax and invited Seth to do the same. Once they had settled themselves, Gideon went on in what his pupils called his 'teaching voice'. "Seth, my friend, I know as well as you do how much Isabella has had to endure over the past five plus years. She has suffered every bit as much as Edward has, perhaps even more so, because while he wasn't aware of what he was doing to her, she lived with the pain of his indifference and his unwillingness to show her the affection she needed day in and day out. If it were any other woman, they would have given up on Edward long ago, but because she loves him so fully and deeply, she couldn't. Right now both she and Edward are caught up in this whirlwind romance and while it is beautiful and heartwarming to watch, there has to come a point where she will question...everything. She'll get mad, or upset, or both and we both need to be prepared for that. Edward is doing remarkably well, but what happens at the first sign of Isabella's unhappiness? Will he revert back to the way he was? Will he be able to understand that just because she's lashing out at him, or whoever it might be, that doesn't mean she loves him any less? Or will he have enough faith and trust to know that he is worthy of her and her love? You must be ready to help him see and understand when the time comes, because I assure you it will, so that he doesn't undo all the progress he's made thus far. He can't afford that time, Seth, you know this," Gideon finished gently...but firmly.

"I know," Seth answered back quietly. He'd been worried about the same thing for weeks now.

Isabella was a remarkable woman, but she was only human. There was only so much she would and could be expected to carry until it finally got to be too much.

"I have faith in you, Seth. I know you can help him and her when the time comes; I just want you to be ready for when it does," Gideon said and then patted him on the shoulder before floating away.

"I hope so," Seth answered once he'd gone and looked below.


Jasper left the office and immediately pulled his phone out of his pocket and hit the speed dial. As soon as the call connected, he smiled. "Ali, sugar, are you at the restaurant already?"

"Hi, Jazzy. Yes, I just got here. You're running late aren't you?" Alice asked her husband what she was sure was a rhetorical question. Jasper was always late.

Jasper chuckled at his wife, she knew him so well. "Yes, but just a few minutes. I was talking with Edward and lost track of time. Why don't you order me an iced tea and a burger and I'll be there in a few. Love you, sugar," he told her in his sexy southern drawl.

"Love you, too." She giggled and then hung up.

He hurried to the restaurant, knowing Alice wasn't mad at him...thank goodness. Besides, when he told her about meeting Edward and Bella during the first intermission on Saturday night, she'd forget all about his being late anyway...or at least that was what he was counting on.

Once he was shown to their table and kissed his wife hello, he sat down and took a drink of already perfectly sweetened iced tea and smiled at Alice. "I'm sorry I was late, Ali."

She waved him off; it was really no big deal. Not only was she used to it, but she wanted to hear about his talk with Edward. "Were you and Edward talking business...or was it personal?" she asked.

Alice knew how worried her husband had been about his best friend. He'd talked to her about it but since he knew Edward better than anyone besides Bella, he knew he had to wait for Edward to come to him, no matter how crazy that drove him.

Jasper smiled as he thought about his best friend and the talk they'd just had. Edward hadn't fully convinced him there wasn't more going on with him than he'd told him, but it was good enough for now. "Personal, sugar. Oh, by the way, we're meeting Edward and Bella at the opera on Saturday night during the first intermission and we're going out afterward to celebrate Bella's birthday," he said and laughed when his adorable wife jumped up and down in her seat at that news.

There was nothing he loved more than seeing his wife happy.

"Really? Oh goodness, I'll need to talk to Rose and figure out what to get Bella for her birthday. I wonder what Bella is wearing to the performance? Oh, I wonder if I can set up spa appointments for the three of us for Saturday morning?" Alice began to rattle off excitedly.

Jasper hated to burst her bubble, but he didn't have a choice. "Sugar, Edward is spending the weekend in the city with Bella at the penthouse. He's taking her out Saturday morning then they're meeting her family for lunch. You're going to have to settle for having her Saturday night," he told her as he patted her hand.

"Well, shit." Alice pouted and stomped her foot beneath the table, which caused Jasper to laugh again.

Alice thought for a few seconds before she gasped. "Jazzy, that doesn't sound like Edward at all."

"No shit. We talked for quite awhile this morning and I swear it was like talking to a completely different person, Ali. He mentioned his childhood, sugar, before he came to live with Carlisle and Esme," Jasper told her quietly.

"Jasper," Alice said and immediately reached for his hand. She could tell by the tone of Jasper's voice that whatever he and Edward had talked about affected him deeply.

Jasper squeezed her hand and then looked at her. "He asked me to forgive him, Alice, can you believe that?" He shook his head as he remembered what Edward had told him earlier and how he looked when he'd said it. "Like he even needed to ask. He's my best friend and there is still so much about him I don't know. Something happened to him, something bad; I know it. I just wish he'd tell me what it was so I could help him," Jasper said in a pained voice.

"Jazzy, from everything you've told me and listening to what Rose and Em have said, it's obvious he's starting to open up to everyone. I'm sure he'll tell you when he's ready. Bella, you, Emmett, Rose, you've all been there for him all this time; he knows that," Alice told him.

Jasper ran a hand through his hair and smiled at his wife. She always had a way of making him feel better. He laughed out loud though when he thought about Edward stuttering and stammering about that bracelet. "You should have seen him, sugar. He bought these friendship bracelets for him and Bella and he turned a shade of red I've never seen before when he tried to tell me that I was his best friend but she was his best, best friend. Funniest thing I've ever seen." Jasper chuckled.

"Aw, that's so sweet," Alice replied immediately. Very unlike the Edward she knew, but apparently most things he did nowadays were un-Edward like.

Jasper nodded. "It really was. It's about damn time he was happy. Bella deserves it, but he does, too. I'm anxious to see how Saturday night goes. Anna and Vincent are both going to be there. Hopefully Edward isn't stupid enough to not tell Bella about Anna before Saturday," he said with a shiver.

That would not be pleasant for any of them, he thought.

"I'm sure he will, Jazzy," Alice said hopefully.

"He's different, sugar. There is no doubt about it, I just hope it lasts," he said and then turned his attention on his wife while they finished their lunch.

Far above, Seth said a quick prayer for the same thing. Edward had no idea how much everyone was counting on him to do all he needed to do.

After Chapter 14 - Charlie's Reactions

Tuesday, March 27, 2001
TGG Bonus Scene #9~

"Charlie, let Edward take Bella home and come inside," he heard his wife call him from the porch.

"Be safe going home, now, son, and we'll see you Sunday," Charlie told Edward and then blew a kiss to his daughter.

He couldn't help but chuckle at the incredulous look his daughter gave him and he knew Edward was going to get the same treatment during the ride home. He stood in the front yard and watched his daughter and son-in-law drive away until he couldn't see the taillights from Edward's car any longer. What a night, he thought with a smile.

"Charlie?" Reneé called lovingly and he turned around.

"Coming, Fiore," he said.

He walked up the steps and smiled at his wife. She looked so happy and it was obvious she'd enjoyed the evening as much as he much as they all had.

"It was some night, huh?" he asked as he reached for her hand when he stopped in front of her.

Reneé sighed in contentment. "That, my husband, is an understatement. Have you ever seen her look so happy?"

Charlie once again felt his heart fill with satisfaction and peace as he thought about Bella. "No. I'd say that goes double for our son-in-law wouldn't you say?" he asked as he put an arm around her and led her to the porch swing in the corner.

He sat down and then pulled Reneé close to him, kissing the side of her head as he pushed them back and forth. Reneé laid her head on his shoulder and they sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, each replaying the events of the night.

Reneé was still in shock, for there really wasn't another word she could use to describe it, at the way Edward had acted all night. Once he'd relaxed, he seemed to just soak up everything and really for the first time ever, seemed to be totally comfortable. Reneé knew her family was boisterous and not shy about showing affection, and it was obvious that was something Edward was not used to. Why, she had no idea and it hurt her heart to think of what those reasons could be.

She had to admit over the years she'd worried, a great deal actually, about Bella. She knew she loved Edward and was committed to him, but there were times she questioned whether that level of dedication and faith were warranted, and even more than that, wondered if he felt the same in return. Seeing the two of them tonight dispelled most of her worry, but as a mother a part of her would always worry, it was what she did.

Charlie couldn't help but replay the words Edward had spoken to him earlier over and over again in his mind. There was a very small part of him that was distressed at the thought of his baby girl being hurt in any way, at her crying because of something Edward had done. Bella was his daughter and she always would matter how old she was. Her happiness was paramount; no one but Reneé's was more important to him.

"You should have heard what Edward told me tonight, Fiore," he said after another few minutes.

"What?" Reneé asked.

Charlie told his wife everything, what Edward had told him and what he said in response. He even told him what Edward had said right before they left, all the while thinking how astonishing it all was. He really hoped that the night was a turning point for all of them. He would love nothing more than to spend more time with Edward.

He had a full life; a job he loved, friends he enjoyed spending time with, and a family he loved with an intensity few could match. He'd always wished, though he never felt cheated, that he and Reneé would have been able to have other children, but alas that was not meant to be. He'd hoped from the very first time Bella introduced him to Edward that they would have their own relationship, one that was outside of his being merely his daughter's husband. While that wish had gone unfulfilled for the past few years, he had a feeling that maybe he might get it moving forward.

He hoped anyway.

Reneé listened to her husband, not really surprised at anything he'd told her. She'd always known, as mothers most often do, that things were not exactly as they seemed between her daughter and Edward, but like Charlie, she trusted Bella enough to know that if she needed her, she would come to her. Remembering how they both looked and acted during the evening, Reneé believed wholeheartedly that Bella's love and faith in Edward hadn't been misplaced.

She knew Charlie loved her and knew that there were few women who had husbands as attentive and sweet and as affectionate as she did, but even Charlie had never looked at her the way Edward looked at Bella tonight.

"They're going to be just fine, honey," Reneé told Charlie as she snuggled closer to him.

"I know," Charlie answered with conviction and then kissed the top of her head. He pushed his foot again and they swayed back and forth for a few more moments before he spoke again. "You know, before tonight, I'm kind of ashamed to say I never really gave much thought to the reason Edward was the way he was. Bella loves him and she seemed happy and that was good enough for me. I suppose I should have picked up on things, but I didn't. Something obviously happened to him at some point in time, probably before he was taken in by Carlisle and Esme. It had to have been bad, Nee', that boy loves our daughter so much and for him to be scared to show her...I can't even imagine what he's been through."

Reneé couldn't help but chuckle at the 'that boy' comment and she most definitely didn't miss the growl at the end of his statement. If Reneé ever doubted, which she didn't, her husband's affection for their son-in-law that would have been all she needed to hear.

"He's lucky he has Bella," Reneé said quietly.

"They're lucky they have each other, Fiore. Just like we are," Charlie said, and then continued to rock them back and forth.

Far above them the two angels smiled at each other.

"Edward's come such a long way," Gideon praised Seth.

Seth felt a smile creep along his face. The damn human was liable to drive him crazy before all was said and done, but there was no doubting how far he'd come already.

"Damn human," Seth muttered but was said with so much love...and faith that Gideon had to chuckle.

"He surprised me with Charlie," Seth admitted.

"Charlie Swan is a good man. Edward could pick no one better to lean on...and learn from," Gideon told his friend.

Seth turned toward his mentor and nodded. "No doubt about that. In fact, he'd do well to learn from all of them. Isabella was taught by the best how to love and forgive."

Gideon chuckled when his prodigy's ice blue eyes twinkled at the mention of the lovely Isabella, but he knew that Seth loved Edward every bit as much as Isabella, perhaps even more only because Edward needed it more. Lucky for their kind, they were capable of immense amounts of love, so there was plenty to spread around.

As Edward would come to find out, he hoped at least, that went for humans as well.

"This is true my friend," Gideon answered. "Edward is going to need all of them when the time comes to tell them everything. It's good for him to know how many people love him."

"It is. Isabella will always love him more than anyone, but he means a great deal to a great many people. It's time for him to realize he's always been worthy of their love, no matter what Liam and Maggie said and did," Seth said protectively.

"He's learning, my friend. He's almost ready," Gideon told him softly.

"I know," Seth said with a sigh.

"Have faith, Seth. You'll see," Gideon remarked, and there was something about that statement that caught Seth a bit off guard, but he wasn't sure why.

"I hope so," Seth remarked and then left to prepare to return to his two favorite humans.


After Chapter 13 - Seth and Gideon

Tuesday, March 27, 2001

Bonus Scene- #8~

It was almost next to impossible for angels to feel fatigue, though they did rest when their being needed to recharge so to speak. If Seth still needed to sleep...he had no doubt he could do so for days as completely worn out as he felt after leaving Edward.

"Seth, my friend, come with me," Gideon told him as soon as he arrived.

Gideon had watched the evening's progression and had no doubt that Seth would be struggling with the revelations he had had to make to Edward. Seth had agonized for most of young Edward's life. Having to watch him for so long, yet not help had been Seth's greatest test during the entire time he'd been an angel. To finally get to this point with Edward was at once a great relief, but was painful as well.

Gideon led his prodigy to a place away from the others where they wouldn't be bothered. All the others of their kind watched anxiously as Seth and Edward talked for everyone knew how pivotal it was that Edward didn't shut Seth out now. If he did, then all would be lost and Seth would fail...and there wasn't one of them that wanted to see that happen.

Seth followed his mentor and closest friend, feeling about as distraught as he could ever recall...and since angels never forgot anything...he knew he was right in is belief. He tried to tell himself that he knew Edward better than anyone, knew his moods, his pattern of behavior, and his triggers but this...what he'd told him tonight...he was at a total loss. Edward had seemed fine when he left him, but with Edward you could never tell.

"Damn human," he muttered, though it was said with an incredible amount of love.

"Talk to me, Seth. What is going through your mind right now?" the elder angel asked with infinite patience.

Seth floated to and fro, his mind a chaotic jumble of conflicting thoughts. What if it was too much, too soon? What if once Edward had a chance to digest all he'd told him tonight, Edward shut him out completely, too overcome with hurt and anger to continue on his path to redemption. What if he decided that since he had Isabella, he was done trying to correct his past mistakes? What if he turned his back on everything and everyone and just gave up?

He finally came to a stop and lifted his very anguished eyes to Gideon and said quietly, "On the one hand I'm relieved beyond measure to have finally told him how long he's been under our watch, but on the other I'm terrified he'll overreact and we'll lose him forever."

It was as Gideon expected and he reached a hand out and laid it comfortingly on Seth's broad shoulders. "You've carried this with you for a long time, Seth, but you knew this day would come. It's time for Edward to face his past and it's only with your help and Isabella's love that he can move past it. He needed to know how long we've been watching him...because it means that all along we've felt he was worthy of our love and care. He'll realize that," Gideon said reassuringly.

Seth sighed and hung his head, closing his eyes for a few brief moments. "We came so close to losing him forever after Anna hurt him so badly. And then, poor Sophie..." he trailed off, smiling when he thought of the sweet girl who tried so hard to reach Edward.

"Sophie was never meant for young Edward, Seth, you know this. Her purpose was to keep him from succumbing to the dark thoughts he was plagued with so that once Isabella was ready, Edward would be, too," Gideon reminded his friend.

"Oh, I know," Seth said with another mighty sigh.

The two otherworldly beings looked down on the two sleeping humans, currently wrapped up in each other's arms. Isabella laid protectively over Edward's chest and held one of his hands tightly in hers. The other was pressed right over his heart, as if she needed to feel it beat as she slept. Edward's other arm was wrapped tightly around her, holding her as close as he could possibly get her, almost like he was afraid if his grip loosened, she would slip away.

Seth felt his scattered thoughts calm as he watched the duo sleep peacefully. "He loves her so very much," he remarked quietly.

"He does," Gideon answered immediately, though it wasn't necessary.

Anyone could see how much Edward and Isabella truly loved each other. Isabella might be Edward's rock and be the one to help him face all he must, but what Edward needed to realize was that she needed him as much as he needed her.

"Do you think he'll ever truly understand how much he means to her?" Seth questioned.

Gideon floated and stopped next to Seth and they both watched as Isabella mumbled in her sleep, only to be soothed immediately by Edward running his fingers through her hair and placing a soft kiss to the top of her head, while being totally asleep.

Seth felt the remaining residual anxiety float away as he looked down on his two favorite humans. He knew he gave Edward a lot of shit about the lovely Isabella, not that he didn't fully agree with what he said about her, but it was just too much fun to mess with Edward to stop...but that didn't mean he wasn't fully aware of how deeply Isabella loved Edward either. It was truly immeasurable.

Gideon gazed upon the slumbering couple and slapped his most favorite pupil on the back and said, "I think it'll be impossible for him to not know. Have faith Seth. Edward is one of the strongest humans I've ever seen, and with Isabella by his side, he can do anything. Believe in him, believe in yourself, Seth. It will all work out, you'll see."

Gideon left Seth alone with his thoughts and when he turned around and found him in his usual perch of keeping a careful...but respectful watch over Edward and Isabella, he said his own quiet prayer, "Please don't let him fail," before attending to the others that needed his guidance.